Tuesday, March 21, 2006

First Beer

Someone's parents were gone
so some older kids up the street were having a party.
We tried, probably unconvincingly, to act casual
when our host uttered the holy incantation:
“Hey y’all, there’s still some beer over there in that cooler.”
The labels, soggy from the melting ice,
were sliding off the slick, brown glass
as we twisted off the caps
and delicate wisps of white vapor uncurled
into the hot August night
and lingered, just for a split second,
like tiny booze genies,
ambassadors from the adult world
welcoming us into the fold.


Sujay Sukumar said...

The poem took me back to my first beer. The setting wuz pretty much the same, except that it was my very own house ;)

How are u guys doin?

plg said...

Hey, Sujay. We've been admittedly slack on the blogging. In my case I'm buried at work. New job. Good job, but crazy right now. Will be more present when it slows down a bit.

hoodawg said...

I adore the tiny booze genies. Best...image...ever.