Sunday, March 11, 2007

In My Dreams, I Burn For You

I'm just coming out of the grocery store
when I see him forcing you and the dog into a van.
He's tall and wiry with a balding head and scraggly beard
which, luckily, happens to be soaked in gasoline.
I use one hand to drag him out of the van by his filthy, thinning hair,
and the other to spark my cheap plastic lighter
which I use to ignite his beard.
He tries to beat the fire out but can't,
and I am determined to hold on to his hair until he stops flailing.
You wake me. My heart is pounding.
I pull you closer, mutter a brief synopsis
and then try to go back to sleep,
and hopefully back into the dream as well
because I'd like to crack open the bastard's skull for good measure,
and then set fire to the rest of his body
so we can roast marshmallows
and make s'mores right there in the parking lot
and maybe save a few choice charred chunks for the dog.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I like it.

It's vivid, violent and a little scary. The counselor in me is dying to ask questions...

plg said...

It's just normal guy instinct, I think. Even imaginary assholes deserve beatings.