Monday, January 23, 2006

A Hunter's Haiku

She's magnificent
but she's more magnificent
dead and on my wall.


hoodawg said...

Laugh out loud funny. Scary how well it works for all kinds of hunters, too.

plg said...

Gracias. I was just playing with the irony of guys talking about how big game are such beautiful animals and then blowing their brains out. What if they applied that at the art museum? "That is just one hell of a painting. Got a match?"

What do you mean about all kinds of hunters? That sounds interesting.

hoodawg said...

Reminds me of things in the British museum, where they essentially tore palaces and temples apart and took their frescoes and art pieces back to London. It's also a grunting misogynist's perspective on "gettin' him a wife." All in all, a great statement on the folly of attempting to obtain/improve beauty by stealing it from its context.